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About Me

Hello! My  name is Mrs. O'Neil. This is my second year as the technology teacher for Kindergarten through third grade and I absolutely LOVE what I do. I graduated in 2013 from Bowling Green State University. I have taught Title I reading for K-3 grade, as well as, Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies and Science for 4th grade. While teaching 4th grade, I incorporated technology into almost every lesson, so my transition into technology was a perfect fit. 

When I am not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my husband and two daughters. My oldest daughter is 8 in the 3rd grade. I get to be her technology teacher this year and it has been so fun. My youngest daughter is 1 year old. She is just starting to run around and get into everything. Together as a family, we love traveling and being outside. Our favorite vacations usually involve the beach, warm weather and finding new desserts! 

My hobbies are reading and baking. I absolutely love baking new things for my friends and family. I don't think there is anything better than conversation while enjoying an amazing dessert. I also enjoy quiet time to fully indulge in a good book! 

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